Technology monopoly or oligopoly

With Lockin, companies grow and accumulate money and technology. Eventually, they began to use their financial power to buy out companies. This prevents new entrants from entering the market, resulting in price competition, and eventually technological development stagnates. With the rise of the Internet, the fledgling U.S. company turned its attention to the software industry, where development funds were cheaper, and grew into a global company. An inexpensive development infrastructure is important when starting a business. The idea of open source is not limited to software; it is also widespread in the manufacturing industry. It ' s open architecture and open innovation.

Genetic modification used to cost a lot of money and equipment, but now some people do it as a hobby. Open source software and documentation are co-developed on GitHub and other sites. CAD data is available on the Internet, and with the spread of 3D printers, anyone can enter the manufacturing industry. It is an era when semiconductor circuits can be designed by programming. You can participate in pharmaceuticals and drug repositioning with Cheminformatics. People from all over the world are collaborating, exposing and showcasing their skills, wisdom and art.

The BOJ's support for buying stock prices only encourages monopoly and oligopoly. The S&P 500 in the United States appears to be growing steadily, but its constituents are frequently swapped. It happens much more often than the Nikkei average. I don't know if Buffett is aware of this, but I don't think Masayoshi Son is aware of it. The industrial structure changes with the times. It is useless to forcibly extend the life of a company. The mud boat is sinking, so you can change boats quickly. Few investors have experienced the Great Depression, so it's dangerous to follow optimists.

Heizo Takenaka may be excellent. However, he made two missteps during his tenure as Minister. The first is to increase non-regular employment and increase the number of people with unstable lives under the slogan of mobilization of employment. Second, the Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan has saved a number of large corporations. The government should not have saved them against market principles, even if they were big banks. What we needed was not mobilization of employment but natural selection of companies and fostering new industries. Especially in the fields of software and the Internet, Japan has made a big gap in the United States. In Japan, it takes too much time to set up a company. Financing is not easy either. Most of all, many people don't know what programming is like. The more incompetent, the more foolish people want to be. They don't know, don't look up, don't ask, and don't even try to know. They will soon be left out of the world.